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  • Ivory Coast: more than 25% of processed cashew nut production 07/22/2023

    Jul 22nd, 2023

    With the establishment of industrial units, the country has "already achieved, to date, more than 25% of nut processing", informed this Saturday, July 22, 2023, the president of the Organization of the agricultural interprofession of the cashew sector, Mr. Soro Bêh. Mr. Soro Bêh was speaking on the occasion of a day of tribute and recognition of thousands of actors in the cotton and cashew sectors to the President of the Republic, Alassane Ouattara, for his actions in support and development of the sector, in the city of Ferkéssédougou (north). From 350,000 tonnes in 2010 to more than 1,040,000 tonnes produced in 2021, cashew has become Côte d'Ivoire's second agricultural export product. During the 2017 campaign, more than 508 billion CFA francs of revenue were redistributed to producers. 50% cashew processing targeted for 2030 Côte d'Ivoire aims, by 2030, to transform 50% of its national production of cashew nuts with more competitive products on the international market. The country is increasing, in this momentum, the processing units across the country. In its transformation policy, the Ivorian government has set up a Cashew Innovation and Technology Center (CITA) to enable Côte d'Ivoire to have an effective tool for training and technical assistance. Added to this is the implementation of the Cashew Value Chain Competitiveness Promotion Project (PPCA). This program, at a cost of 200 million dollars (……Fcfa) aims to strengthen the governance of the sector. These various supports, according to the Minister of State, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Adjoumani Kobenan Kouassi, have made the cashew sector a real lever for economic and social development with a contribution of more than 9% to GDP in 2022. Minister Adjoumani admitted that "marketing was difficult" for the 2022-2023 campaign, but the State will support the sector in order to maintain its balance, despite international contingencies. The president of the Cashew Interprofession, Soro Bêh, pointed out that the slowdown in the sale of cashew nuts is "an incident along the way", a situation due moreover to the international market, where factories in consumer countries have closed. Dr Adama Coulibaly, CEO of the Cotton-Cashew Council More than 60 billion CFA francs in subsidies to the cotton sector Produced by small planters operating on family exports, the cotton farm is spread over more than 5,000 villages and camps in 23 departments of the country. Cotton production is practiced on a large part of the Ivorian territory. Today, annual cotton export earnings are estimated at nearly 100 billion CFA francs, said Dr. Adama Coulibaly, Director General of the Cotton and Cashew Council, the sector's regulatory body. The State of Côte d'Ivoire, he will say, has provided actors in the sector for the 2022-2023 campaign "a subsidy at the transfer price of inputs to producers in the amount of more than 39 billion CFA francs and 29 billion CFA francs for the management of part of their agricultural credit". Minister Adjoumani bluntly noted that for the current campaign, "the Jassids have wreaked havoc", while reassuring that the National Center for Agronomic Research (CNRA) is "carrying out research in order to hunt these destructive insects". The president of INTERCOTON, Soro Moussa, welcomed the reforms carried out by the authorities since 2013 and which have also enabled the sector to recover with sustained growth across all parameters. Cotton, the country's fourth agricultural export product after cocoa, rubber and cashew, represents 7% of export earnings and contributes 1.7% to GDP. Cotton production increased from 310,114 tons for the 2015-2016 campaign to 539,623 tons in 2021-2022.
